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Forumas > Renginiai > 2009-12-11 Energy Drink – „effect“ Presents: Us.fash.T Birthday @ Artistai
AiPlayM | 2009-11-09 14:42:06
Energy Drink – „effect“ Presents: Us.fash.T Birthday

@ Pub'as "Artistai", Šv. Kazimiero str. 3, Vilnius, LT
2009 Gruodžio 11 (22:00 - 05:00)

Vilmo (Us.fash.T)
Green Moon
Mirka (White Light)
Edgar (White Light)


Entry free!!!
Music: House, Trance, Techno.

People who are the most active on the dance floor will get a free can of energy drink "effect"!

http://w n

About Us.fash.T

Us.fas h.T (us fash trance) 2008-12-08 was founded by AiPlayM from Vilnius. Bad Trance music situation in Lithuania had contributed towards creation of the name.

According to AiPlayM, the bad situation is caused by misunderstanding of the people what the real Trance music is. Most of them devalue this musical style, parallel it with pop or hard music. However, dj, producer and organizer of parties AiPlayM also partly agrees with this opinion: „Yes, Trance has branches of hard and pop music, but that does not mean that all Trance music is just hard pop. My aim is to develop this music style in Lithuania, change the minds of those, who are against it, help to increase the number of its fans and, of course, show Trance from a different point of view – it can also be light, melodious, soft for the ear and well-suited for the body that wishes to move.“

While playing Trance music in parties and looking for likeminded fellows AiPlayM accidentally met Vilmo, dj and promoter, who is also from Vilnius. Vilmo has worked with Olav Basoski, Tiger Stripes, Kid Massive, Blank & Jones, Rank 1, Felix Da Housecat, David Guetta, ATB, Cosmic Gate and many more. In addition, he has been working as a dj for 12 years already, mostly playing Trance tunes and in such a way seeking to make Lithuanians more familiar with it. So, when AiPlayM suggested joining him in implementing his ideas, Vilmo agreed without hesitation.

Some time has passed and on 2009-05-05 after a party AiPlayM has suddenly met JustK – dj, vocalist from Vilnius. She has been listening to electronic music since her early childhood and has attended music school. There she had played the piano and violin for 8 years and also sung in a choir. JustK started listening to Trance music when she was about 13 years old. At first, she listened to darker and deeper Trance, but as the time passed by she understood that she liked uplifting and vocal Trance the most. Thus, when AiPlayM found out more about JustK life he suggested her to join Us.fash.T at a dash, as right at that time he was searching for a vocalist who loves Trance music for a conjoint music project. Receiving such an offer JustK instantly agreed and that completed the creation of Us.fash.T.
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